I love my family. I stick with my family. We try to fix our fammily ourselves. You should too. PLEASE DONT DIVE INTO SOMEBODY ELSE'S POND. I have never been with them all the time because I want them to be proud of how i have become, that I have been able to live on my own for 4 years now. Although I am not that old i know that I have better credibility even your face is alot older than mine. I want us to know that some are bettter mature than who people claim they are. I hope we dont pretend.
I am writing this in anger. I am fed up with people who exert alot of effort bashing someone else when they havent even tried to know what really is going on. I write in hopes that no one judges one family in hopes that people will think that their's is better. One way to offend one is to start with "no offense".
Let me first say no offense but we are not as young as we think we are. Please think. You will never be a celebrity even when you write about someone famous. Yes, you who are not a kid to be excused. You know straight grammar but you don't have straight thoughts. Its obvious when it's not your brain that's working. For some points though, i would agree that you are a kid. You know some but you never, and may never understand. What a shame when you graduated with hhonors when your line of thinking does not merit honor.
Should I say more? No, shut up if you dont understand anything.
It's a pity that you dont have a good bond with anyone. My sisters and my brothers you may ask. We're all fine. Please don't be a turd that can't be flushed. I too call for the media to not broast anything when innformation is not correct. Impartial information, when declared partial is misinformation. Let's not act like journalists when we cannot define RESSPONSIBLE jouralism, alright?
I pray that everyone learns what they are taught. Wars start because of misunderstandings. Often, a simple discussion is what is needed to resolve things. And I wish you'll realize this; You start a war, I am not backing up. Don't worry about your face. You are ugly inside and out.
People fight because of differences. I beg to differ. People are now fighting and some more will fight because of you. You should feel shame.
Kids are not supposed to hear about adult problems.(since you claim you are). Who fed you garbage? Who blew that stench inn your ear?
Why can't we respect the person who sacrificed some properties and appointments for whom you consider family? Of course you can't because all you think is disrespect. Did your mother not teach you respect?
If a man chooses not to appear in family meetings because some family memmbers forces him to be with his x and not the woman who he MARRIED; dont you think it's love and disrespect on your side? You did not know. You now know. Do you now understand? Please let's not talk about decency when we're not.
So much for being self righteous.
Nobody has the right to tell somebody to not love that person, neither has anybody the right to judge someone who has never been given a chance even with multiple attempts. Don't you think we didnt realize how a fame whore you are for tagging and adding everyone on social media?
Who has better claim to comment: the direct respondents or fame whore who's never there?
I dont know. I dont know a thing. This is what you should say.
To all the non-participants of the meeting: It means You should not care. Did your hight rank in college not teach you that?
Since one does not gossip like another does, it is only fair to say that one was invited.
I am very proud of my family. I may not be at home right now but I will always say that i am my father's son, I am my mother's son, and i am dear to my brothers and sisters. How can anyone comment on one when anyone doesnt even have a good relationship with the father and sister?
It's sad that I tolerated alot of bashing. Now i decided to fight.
People who are educated should act educated. I write in anger but in hope to reeducate. Dont be just more thoughtful but please learn to think. It surprised me to realize that i graduated from the same school with someone who is under-educated; or are you? Is it the unwillingness to think or the lack of thinkking power?
I am about to finish this post still shaking. I feel extreme disgust in the poor performace of someone's brain. I don't intent to be rude but should i care when it's about family? should i care when an non-interested party suddenly takes interest because of fame?
I will not review what I wrote bbut I hope i have made sense to some senseless minds. I hope this kind of fame is enough for you, fame whore. You wanted this.
PS: as i have mentioned I don’t have plans of reviewing this article before posting. I claim fault for any grammar lapses and misspelling because i dont have plans on being self-righteous right now. Im also reimaging my computer so i used a plain text editor for this. no autocorrect.